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  • Michael CM1
    Jun 22, 03:27 AM
    Yep. The Xbox will format the drive and let you use it for extra storage. The only problem is, no matter what the size of the drive, it will only let you use up to 16GB for storage. But yes, if you have a USB drive just sitting around gathering dust, might as well put it to use.

    I just noticed that. 250GB on the drive, 16GB to use. Well, beats nothing. I already figured out how to get Live Gold for $1 for a month, then found out about demos. Holy crap. It's taking forever for the NCAA 11 demo to download, but that should be awesome instead of dropping $50 on crap, like I did on the Wii version in 08.

    I may eventually end up wishing I had gotten the $300 system, but I did end up with a pair of free games with this. I can add a 250GB HDD for $100 and then be mostly the same except for built-in WiFi. That's saving $50 by running an ethernet cable.

    I sent you an invite or whatever on Halo. I think it was on Halo. Anywho, my name is the same as here except without the space. I slightly got better, but I'm still mostly running around and just shooting at stuff.

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  • rph105
    Oct 25, 01:25 AM
    Yezzir Im Going To Be There For 6pm Sharp With My Gorgeous Gurl, Hoping To Scoop Leopard For Both Of Us

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  • hairstyles

  • Huntn
    May 3, 01:23 PM
    The effect of terrorists to the West is enormously magnified by our reaction to them. How many Western deaths have been caused through terrorism in the last 15 years. 5000? Probably less than 200 in the last 5 years.

    How many soldiers have been killed in subsequent wars? Over 7000 (
    How many civilians have been killed in these wars? 100s of thousands.
    And how much are we spending on this? What is the 'opportunity cost' of that lost cash - which could have been spent on health care/research/education?

    I think we need to learn to ignore the 'short game' of small terrorist outrages and instead concentrate on the 'long game', which the West is undoubtably winning.

    Terrorists represent a tiny proportion of radicals, that bubble to the surface of large populations of unhappy, poor and repressed people. Those underlying populations are changing though... all across North Africa and the Arab world people are mobilising to gain democracy, spurred on by the slow liberalising Western influence of open communication technologies and culture. This 'long game' political change is MUCH more significant than OBL's death.

    Take away the unhappy cultures that breed terrorists won't completely remove risk - but it will make terrorism more the action of criminals, and less of a 'clash of cultures'. Smart Western political leadership would sell terrorist outrages as 'random acts of criminal radicals' not 'we must go to war with the axis of evil'.

    All Obama has to do is decide whether he can afford to stop propping up the US military industrial complex.

    We're losing as long as we are spending ourselves into oblivion to fight this threat.

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  • sajjadbuet
    Mar 19, 11:25 PM
    But this discount is not directly to students. It is for institutional purchase I think. Did anyone get this discount through their school?


    layered straight hairstyles. Hairstyle Handbook
  • Hairstyle Handbook

  • Huntn
    May 1, 08:22 AM
    1. Real men ride Harleys.

    And Mac users consider themselves as computer savy, LOL! They prefer a simple OS that a monkey could use. Now that's savy.

    If a person is looking for the best overall experience, even if they lack technical skills, if not luck, it could be a very savvy decision. :)

    *sigh* Okay I give up.

    I don't think you are fearful and defensive. :)

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  • chabig
    Sep 25, 10:18 AM
    If the MBP's or other hardware is not updated at this event, then when is the next public event to have this happen?
    Apple doesn't have to have a public event to update the machines. They'll just appear on the website someday.


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  • Emo Long Layered Hairstyles

  • Desertrat
    Apr 24, 12:55 PM
    Ehhh, I'll go along with CalBoy.

    I see Trump as a fascist, blow-hard alpha-male con artist. Might be okay to sit around and drink a few beers and swap lies, but that's about it.

    His yap-yap on TV about oil and the Saudis was about as ignorant as you can get.

    layered straight hairstyles. Straight Hairstyle
  • Straight Hairstyle

  • macduke
    Nov 5, 11:13 PM
    LOL @ Chuck Norris kicking an oncoming car in the face. Classic.

    Like I mentioned in the first post on this possibility earlier today, I hope they implement this in a way that I can find things. Like tagging my keys or books. I'm always losing crap.


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  • Girl Layered Hairstyle

  • ColdZero
    Sep 19, 11:27 PM
    Oh yea, nice and fast :rolleyes:. A Dual 1.25Ghz G4 vs a single 2.8ghz P4, uhhh isn't that a little unfair. Where is the dual 2.4ghz P4 vs dual 1.25ghz G4 comparison?

    layered straight hairstyles. layered straight hairstyles.
  • layered straight hairstyles.

  • R.Perez
    Apr 3, 10:42 PM
    I'm just trying to save some money.

    It's clear that California, Texas, and Washington all have bad deficits. Two of them have 0% income tax while one has 10.6%. What conclusion do you want me to draw from this?

    California's tax problems are easy to figure out. The electorate can vote for services separately from the taxes needed to fund them..... that's smart.


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  • straight Hairstyles For

  • rusty2192
    Mar 11, 05:01 PM
    OK, my own submission for this challenge. With the utmost apologies to JD, I had to stick with the apples & oranges theme which is what had immediately occurred to me when we set this topic. I've tried to expand on the conceptual interpretation of apples & oranges with some more technical interpretations - a split b & w background, and an over-saturated and high contrast post treatment.

    Canon EOS 40D
    EF 24-70 f/2.8L @ 32mm
    ISO 100 f/11 @ 1/250th manual exposure
    Two 150watt strobes plus an on-camera 430EX bounced off of an overhanging reflection card
    Post in Aperture 3

    I love the colors and the amazing detail in the textures, but the composition isn't all that exciting for me. Maybe with it a bit tighter, and the fruits offset a bit would bring in a little more excitement? The black vs white background is a nice touch.

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  • sunfast
    Sep 27, 10:56 AM
    I love updates. Hard to say quite way, but any improvements are welcome :)


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  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Oct 26, 09:45 PM
    Very, very slick. Only problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to flag something as junk, or modify the buttons/icons at the top to flag/junk, ec messages. Any pointers?

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  • Huntn
    Mar 12, 04:39 PM
    That being said, I love any Fender guitar I have come across whether owning it, testing it out, or borrowing it for a gig, every Apple product I have ever owned, and the Matix jeans, my sole American product are not bad either.

    But your Apple is made far far away. Of course if the criteria is loving electronics made in the U.S., we can hook up some string phones.... ;)


    layered straight hairstyles. Straight Hairstyles
  • Straight Hairstyles

  • kiljoy616
    Apr 17, 08:09 AM
    Time for steve to get those regulation ironed out, what is objectable to some is just plain funny to others. :rolleyes:

    layered straight hairstyles. Hairstyle Handbook
  • Hairstyle Handbook

  • Boomer85
    Mar 25, 10:21 AM
    Called 2 local stores...on the second one, they were literally ringing up the last 3 they had (16GB)...however, she called her district manager who was heading down to her store from one further north (about 65 miles away) that had 8 left. The manager is bringing 2 down with him on his way. Those 2 WILL be picked up by me after work!



    layered straight hairstyles. Long Layered Straight
  • Long Layered Straight

  • LethalWolfe
    Sep 13, 07:18 AM
    So I am having my first surgical procedures in *looks at widget* 16 days, and the thing that scares me the most is the general anesthesia...

    I've looked at sites about it, but they don't walk through the whole procedures and what you feel like after etc...

    Is it all IV? Gas?

    What do you feel like when you come to?


    Some is IV. Some is gas. I've only had IV. Basically they inject you. You feel sleepy. You fall asleep. You wake up kinda groggy and end up sleeping it off for most of the day.

    I've only had one bad experience w/ general anesthesia, but it was an unusual situation so I don't give it much weight.

    You really have nothing to worry about.

    Unless you don't wake up. ;)


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  • long straight hairstyle with

  • chrono1081
    Mar 17, 07:51 PM
    In response to all the "Recommend Me a Camera/Lens/Editor etc" threads, I offer this. Comments or additions?

    Never Show Your Work To Anyone

    Read Only "Expert Photographer" Blogs, Articles, and Books

    Leave Your Camera On Auto...:eek:...

    Buy A New and More Expensive Camera Because It'll Make Better Pictures

    Spend Too Much Time Mastering Photoshop

    Mine is this: Fixate on one style of photography or subject.

    Original stolen from PIXIQ... (


    The one in bold is what I see the most. I've done photography for years and see new people get into the game and worry about the wrong things. Photoshop being one of them. Photoshop shouldn't even come to someones mind.

    Learn the camera, learn composition, learn lighting, learn photographic techniques to get what you want such as second curtain sync, hyperfocal distancing, etc. Once you can get it done right in camera then you can take it to the next level in photoshop (skin smoothing, removing hair wisps, correcting lens distortion, etc.).

    Too many people want to be a pro right out of the gate, they buy photoshop, get a NAPP membership, a fancy computer (that is 99% of the time overkill), raid storage when they've only shot 500 pictures, etc but never bother to learn the fundamentals.

    I'm all for learning on Digital, I think it helps someone learn better, but focus on learning the most important and fundamental things first, then learn about the post processing. A picture can still look fantastic without running it through photoshop.

    layered straight hairstyles. Medium Straight Hairstyle
  • Medium Straight Hairstyle

  • blackpeter
    Sep 19, 03:29 PM

    Mar 23, 01:50 PM
    how bout let's make sure that airplay video playback works first before you try to license it out. has not work from day 1 on my appletv

    Works perfectly for me (using Air Video and the latest beta server) since 4.3 came out.

    May 5, 10:34 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C134 Safari/6533.18.5)

    MS just doesn't get it. No OS X, no sale. Whenever MS tries anti-Apple marketing, they lose. They're completely out of touch, deer in the headlights style, in this new market situation. It's now becoming comical.

    They tried this garbage with their Laptop Hunters campaign a couple of years ago, where they showcased some yokels walking into a big box store and passing over Macs due to price.

    Apple went on to sell more Macs than ever before.

    Desperation breeds a lot of baloney. The PC and netbook market are contracting at an alarming rate, thanks to the effects of the post-PC era, where MS barely has any presence.

    Keep milking that Windows licensing cash cow, MS. Google and Apple have you right where they want you.

    May Steve Ballmer continue to drive MS into the ground. It's fun to watch.

    Apr 2, 04:43 PM
    I like Pages. I haven't had any problems with it. I haven't used all of the features though. I mostly use it for printing envelopes which works great. It will only get better and I'm sure Apple will add more features like spread sheets and maybe a GUI front-end for SQL.just for the record, i have had a pretty good experience making a couple of flyers and whatnot. yeah, it would be better with some additional features but i think that it is aimed at the less advanced in the publishing world. and on that note, i think it has done pretty well especially with a wide range of templates. i swear those things are a godsend for the non-creative such as myself.

    especially when being used on a nice 17" or larger screen, i think that all of the options would be great if they were laid out so they can be viewed at the same time (like on photoshop). this would probably take away a lot of the frustration. It is not like it is devoid of useful features for me, the less advanced.

    i have run across a few little bugs but that is to be expected of even a *cough, cough, ahem, ahem* 1.0.1 version application

    Apr 21, 01:31 PM
    But then they would have to call it the iPhone 6.

    To be honest, Apple will not put out an iPhoneXS ever now. The name makes it clear that its a spec bump and not anything else.

    Not that is bad, this is how most of the phones have been; its just that it creates a bad impression. IMO, the new one will be called the iPhone 5 and so on...

    Think so. :|

    Sep 27, 08:49 AM (

    According to a story (, Apple has seeded OS 10.4.8 Build 8L2125 to developers. According to the poster (named "appledev"), no significant issues remain which could indicate a release within days.

    The Intel Version weighs in at 206 MB, with the PowerPC Version weighing in at a significantly less 30.8 MB. Previous rumors indicated significant work was being done on Rosetta, which could explain the substantial size difference (although Intel versions have typically been larger, as Mac OS 10.4.7, released in June (, was 133 MB Intel and 64 MB PPC). Other previous (unconfirmed) rumors have indicated that, among other enhancements and bug fixes (, OpenGL may have also seen performance improvements (

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