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    Mar 26, 06:25 PM
    Who honestly cares? Lame. I saw a black guy and a mexican guy chatting outside a bookstore yesterday. Let's focus on that.

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  • ghostlines
    Mar 23, 01:24 PM
    Nice that Apple want's to play nice with other electronics companies. Although I don't think the AppleTV costs much the less stuff needed the better. I guess this is just one of the many steps that will be taken to make this year 'the year of the iPad" :cool:

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  • DoFoT9
    Feb 28, 08:07 PM

    yeh that is that stupid Server.app. what an insult!

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  • *LTD*
    Mar 25, 10:19 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8F190)

    Before all you Apple fannies disagree with this; just remember Apple is trying to sue everyone else too.

    It's all ridiculous.

    When you release the kinds of game-chaining products that Apple does, I'm kind of inclined to look the other way. Why not. Apple's earned special treatment for the time being. That is, for the time being.

    Might doesn't make right. But being exceedingly awesome, does.

    I know it sounds unfair, but **** it. Apple's changed the entire conditions of the game.


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  • snberk103
    Mar 18, 03:06 PM
    I do still suck.

    My problem is leaving my camera on Auto. I just don't know which setting to use. The more I read and the more opinions I see, the more confused I get. Plus when I see a good subject I don't want to mess it up with my ill informed selections...

    I did just buy the Bryan Peterson Understanding Exposure book, so hopefully that will help set me off in the right direction!

    I think sometimes people can be intimidated by all the choices. The trick, when learning, is simplify things, imo. So... read up on controlling Depth of Field using the aperture (f/stop). Ignore everything else. Set your camera on Aperture priority (usually Av) and let the camera do the work maintaining exposure. Then play with that for a while, just concentrating on the DoF. Find scenes where there is a series of objects from close to far, and focus on one of those objects, and then take 3 photos at the biggest/smallest f/stop # and then the middle. Don't move. Focus on an object at a different distance, and do the same thing.

    Do this over and over again, with different subjects, until you get a feel for DoF. Don't sweat the other stuff, and don't even worry about perfect exposures at this point. Just get "good enough" exposures.

    Now do the same thing for Shutter Priority. Except in this case, you find things that are moving. Fast, slow, close, far. Shoot the same type of motion with different shutter speeds - as different as possible, and then something in the middle. Don't worry about the other settings.

    Copy and paste this post somewhere, and don't read anymore until you have done parts one and two above.

    Now that you are comfortable with Apertures and Shutters ... concentrate on exposure control. The challenge is to get really good exposures, while at the same time getting the DoF and shutter speeds into an acceptable range. Read up on ISOs. One of the huge advantages of digital cameras is being able to change the ISO as you shoot. Use it. Also know that photography is often about compromises. In order to get the DoF you want, you may need to use a shutter speed that is not quite right, and/or an ISO that leaves noise, etc etc But that is just part of the game, and as you gain more experience you will find ways to mitigate these issues.

    Also, there are two more ways to control DoF (lense focal length, and camera to subject distance.) But if you are reading this only after you did your homework, it won't be intimidating. It will be fun to figure it out. And if you read right through you are thinking " Aaaccckkk!!!" (I warned you, though... :) )

    imho, of course

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  • nuckinfutz
    Sep 15, 12:11 AM
    Dont you think that chip would be a little to hot... . Well, I fully agree with OS X being the best. But the OS and the quality apps are all that is going for apple. Apple lacks speed, but I cant blame apple for that (stupid moto :rolleyes, but I can blame them for not dumping moto a long time ago. If apple computer were just as fast as PCs there is no way I would think about getting near a 'peecee', but they arent as fast ...

    What are you doing that requires so much speed. Do you bill clients by the hour? Do you continually render files that take hours? I'm curious to know why people who harp about speed really need it.

    It's one thing to be able to attach earning to the speed of a computer but quite another to want a fast computer just for bragging rights.


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  • Squadleader
    Apr 8, 05:46 PM
    Humans should have the full right to decide over their own bodies, that includes planned parenthood and abortions.

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  • shambolic
    Mar 13, 03:29 PM
    Agreed, it's the carrier that sets the time, not the device.

    I sleep with my AT&T iPhone set to airplane mode so that it won't disturb me in the night - when I woke up this morning, it was still on the old time. (Good thing I wasn't relying on any alarms)

    As soon as I switched off airplane mode, allowing it to access the cell network, it correctly jumped forward an hour to daylight savings time.


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  • Celina-Jaitley-Wallpaper-011.

  • shecky
    Oct 16, 04:21 PM
    if apple came out with an iPhone the size of the RAZR or smaller with the same capacity/functionality as an 8GB iPod nano, id buy it.

    if it did all that AND had functionality like a pda, id sell my grandmother to buy it.

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  • MacNut
    Mar 26, 12:35 PM
    So when everyone buys hybrids and the gas tax revenue dries up we will be forced to pay for how far we drive.The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has a suggestion for raising money to fix the nation�s highways: tax drivers based on how many miles they drive each year.

    In a report written in response to a request from Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-North Dakota), the CBO laments about the shortfall in the federal budget�s appropriation for highway maintenance and reckons it�s time drivers start footing the bill based on how often their foot is on the gas pedal. The driver would be charged according to the number of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) above that which he is allowed under appropriately promulgated guidelines.
    The 26-page study is entitled (none to cleverly) �Alternative Approaches to Funding Highways� and goes into some detail regarding the new tax scheme and the benefits and challenges thereof.

    �About 25 percent of the nation�s highways, which carry about 85 percent of all road traffic, are paid for in part by the federal government....� reads the opening line of the paper. In other words, why should the federal government, already so strapped for cash, keeping paying so much for the highway while those who use them get a free ride?http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/usnews/congress/6847-cbo-recommends-taxing-drivers-for-miles-traveled


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  • ghostlyorb
    Mar 28, 08:59 AM
    Just the way the title is phrased though it lends support to the rumors that iOS will see a late summer / early fall release as opposed to June/July. We will see.

    I think you're right. haha.

    I wish I had the money to get the iPhone 5. Oh well.. I'll just have to wait until 2012 (and iPhone 6)

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  • eburr
    Mar 15, 11:48 AM
    Willow Bend did not get any today. There were at least 50 people in line.


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  • 28monkeys
    Mar 28, 10:39 AM
    iphone5 will be available within this year.

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  • scottgroovez
    Mar 25, 02:18 AM
    The fact NO site has seemingly reviewed any of UBI's release is very suspicious about their quality.

    Is there a review Embargo in place I wonder?

    Yes until today. Lineup is quite weak as no Mario. Every Nintendo launch needs a Mario


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  • alent1234
    Apr 15, 11:17 AM
    Its very subjective to the developer whether what SQL database sucks.

    Zimbra integrates into itself (Its much more than just an exchange competitor now) and starts from free.

    zimbra, pop/imap

    what a joke. firewall guys, we want email on our phones. we need to open the firewall on a few more ports

    exchange is database based which makes it easier and cheaper to manage it

    the base product is free but once you start buying add ons like archiving it's a lot more expensive than exchange. and other features that require MS outlook, contacts sync and iphone/mobile are not free. major fail and will cost just as much if not more than MS exchange once you compare apple's to apples

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  • Hellhammer
    Apr 24, 03:21 AM
    the new x220 does the mba better in three items above today for a fact. time for apple to step it up again.

    And is about twice as thick (up to ten times if measured from MBA's thinnest point) and weighs 0.7lb or 1.3lb more. Basically it's just a lighter 13" MBP since even MBP is thinner. No thank you.


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  • carlgo
    Nov 18, 10:52 AM
    Great, now they will seal up all the doors and windows at Foxconn and cavity search the employees when the are allowed out. And some employees will just mysteriously disappear.

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  • AppleScruff1
    May 2, 12:57 PM
    This is truly breaking news.

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  • Huntn
    Mar 11, 12:46 PM
    Anyone think this is a good idea for a thread? If so...

    I'm putting down an engineered floor in my bedroom, was at the local Home Depot hardware store and found a 3 piece Dasco Pro Pry Bar Set (http://findnsave.miamiherald.com/Product/3050919). It's well made, very functional for working with trim and prying up carpet strips, reasonably priced, and marked as Made in the USA! :)

    Apr 14, 01:40 PM
    Let's see if this one stays, Papermaster from IBM didn't last long so I'm curios to see if a former Microsoft person does fit in.

    Nov 11, 11:54 AM
    Even though I didn't know what they were saying, I still got the basic idea and found it humorous. :D

    Apr 7, 04:21 PM
    The tea party is the republican party. There is NO tea party as third party. That's a complete fallacy. If they weren't a wholly owned faction of the Republican party, there would be tea party democrats too.

    Pop quiz - name one tea party candidate who ran as a Democrat or name one elected official who claims to be a tea party member or supporter who doesn't vote with the Republicans.

    Apr 19, 09:55 AM
    Looks like multifl0w from cydia.... actually I think it is... Springboard was in the settings in the video

    Sep 21, 04:25 PM
    its interesting that every intel mac so far, other than the mac mini, has needed a SMC update (if my memory serves me correctly).

    It's even more strange that all of them seemed to become louder after the update. How lucky for Apple that all the reviews mentioning the Intel-Macs' exceptional silentness had already been written by then, eh? ;-)

    No, there can't possibly be a scheme behind this, no, no... Apple would never do this!

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