caroline de souza correa

caroline de souza correa. Caroline de Souza Correa,
  • Caroline de Souza Correa,

  • Dreadnought
    Jul 16, 06:40 AM
    Version 2.5 of the widget i have running here, i think i'll send it out in about two and a half year, does just that. It only 'speaks' every three hours though, when the stats are updated.;) I think the 2.5 years have passed, so it's time for another update!

    caroline de souza correa. Caroline de Souza Correa
  • Caroline de Souza Correa

  • kingdonk
    Feb 28, 06:38 PM
    server admin

    caroline de souza correa. image.
  • image.

  • spiv
    Apr 4, 11:41 AM
    My question though is how is this any different then having multiple TVs on your cable account? You can only watch TV on your account when your in your own home and on your own WiFi. Time warner took some pretty big steps to make sure you can't "steal" cable... It is a pretty secure app.

    I am just wondering why Viacom and others are bitching? Its just like going in the other room and watching it on the other TV... Doesn't allow you to watch TV away from home..

    This may be a very secure app, but the channels are bitching because they don't get their set-top box fee! I can't believe that Cablevision is actually going to win this one, but then again the Dolan family doesn't care who they piss off!

    caroline de souza correa. caroline de souza correa
  • caroline de souza correa

  • blufire
    Oct 26, 11:14 PM
    I didn't notice any speed difference between FX 2.0 and Safari 2.0.4. If anything, Safari felt slightly snappier. (Mac OS X 10.4.8 on a Power Mac G4 MDD Dual 1 GHz)


    caroline de souza correa. Caroline De Souza Correa
  • Caroline De Souza Correa

  • j_maddison
    Jan 5, 12:58 PM
    If you drive for work, there is a good chance you drive in the same areas, I can't see this app not caching maps.

    I'm national, I've driven all over the UK this year. My cell phone is on O2, and the 3G coverage is very poor. I've opted for Orange on the iPad as their 3G is much better.

    caroline de souza correa. caroline de souza correa
  • caroline de souza correa

  • redscull
    Apr 6, 01:27 PM
    This is not what you originally said. You said "unless every normal person has a tech friend/relative to keep the tablet working/updated" which is something else altogether, about personal ability. Why else would they have to be a "tech friend". If it was only about having one "period" then any dumbo friend/relative with a computer would do.My argument wasn't changed, but it might have been misunderstood. If every normal person was using the tablet, it would only be their tech friends who had a true computer in addition to a tablet (my implication being that only techies maintain multiple personal computers). So all the normal tablet users would need tech friends for the occasional sync. Sure, any dumb friend with a reasonably modern computer would do, but the idea is that all these dumb friends have moved on to tablets as well. At some point, everyone has tablets, and only the techies have a second, "real" computer.

    You can get apps without a computer. You can get music without a computer. You can get TV shows and movies without a computer. You can get mail without a computer. You don't actually need to sync anything. If you do not have anything to transfer over anyway (your "it's going to be the only one he's using" scenario), then you don't need a desktop.I'm wondering if you've ever tried a "never synced" iOS device. It actually is limited in some fairly annoying ways. For "normal" people, one of the biggest is the inability to manage photos. You can import them with the photo kit, but you end up with one stupid huge mess of pictures until you use a real computer to rearrange everything. You also miss out on updates. And maybe you think that's not important, but it becomes a big deal when all the apps you want to download start requiring a newer iOS version than what you have. It might take a year, but you'll reach a point where not syncing ends up meaning you can't get apps either. There's also a different mindset around backups for a portable device vs. a desktop. Justified, too; it's a lot easier to lose or wipe out the data on an tablet than a desktop computer. It needs wifi or even cloud-based backup without having to first sync to a computer.


    caroline de souza correa. Caroline de Souza Correa
  • Caroline de Souza Correa

  • AaronEdwards
    Feb 18, 11:49 AM
    Isnt Jobs a vegan? Cancer or not, not eating any animal products whatsoever is going to make you quite thin. If for no other reason than most things have animal products thus there just isnt a lot to eat.

    Personally, I so wish that was true. But in reality, not all fat persons eat meat, and not all skinny people are vegetarians.

    You can be a vegan and still stuff yourself full with carbonates, sugar and lots of different fats.

    caroline de souza correa. Caroline de Souza Correa
  • Caroline de Souza Correa

  • Furrybeagle
    May 5, 01:28 PM
    Pre-ordered from Gamestop 3 days ago. Hope to receive the key by the end of this week!

    You may have to go into a store to get it�

    I preordered mine on Friday online and had yet to receive the key this morning, even though they say it�ll take up to one business day to send (it�s been closer to a week). So I just went into a store, told them I hadn�t gotten my key, and they printed a receipt with a key on it. Downloading as I write this. :)


    caroline de souza correa. caroline de souza correa
  • caroline de souza correa

  • abhishekit
    Feb 16, 10:44 PM
    On Macs the whole application is contained in that application icon that you see. Most of the cases there are no support files, there would be one small preference file (about 4kb, to store your user settings for that app) in ~/library/preferences. You can delete that or keep it if you think you would download the same app again sometime.
    Sometimes, there would be an additional folder with the name of the app containing a small file (4 kb), in your ~/library/application support. So you can check there too.


    caroline de souza correa. caroline de souza correa
  • caroline de souza correa

  • DeSnousa
    Sep 13, 07:18 AM
    So you re telling me I most likely won't even be able to have a cab take me home - my partner has to work, can't get out of it.

    I'm afraid I'm going to be puking all over the place.

    I'm weird. They are going to cut a 6-inch hole in my back and remove one of my lamina and a disc, and I'm worried about anesthesia.


    If you don't have someone to drive you home and look after you for the night, it is recommended to stay in hospital overnight.

    iGary i wish that al goes to plans and your certainly in my pray's :)


    caroline de souza correa. Caroline de Souza Correa
  • Caroline de Souza Correa

  • MacSA
    Sep 25, 10:12 AM
    Did they really need a media event for such a small update?

    caroline de souza correa. (Caroline de Souza Correa)
  • (Caroline de Souza Correa)

  • ddtlm
    Sep 14, 12:14 AM
    The Pentium5 is to the Pentium4 what the Pentium3 was to the Pentium2. It is not a new core. It sports a few new bells and whistles, twice the L2, the potential for a faster FSB, but it is still essentially the same chip as before.

    This is not to say that the G4 will be able to keep up, or anything. :)

    2 to 3 weeks till the dual 1.25's ship, and I'm still really temped to get one.


    caroline de souza correa. Caroline de Souza Correa
  • Caroline de Souza Correa

  • dot com
    Jan 6, 03:33 PM
    Go to the iphone settings and scroll down to the bottom and find the facebook tab. Select that, and then "Push notifications".


    caroline de souza correa. caroline de souza correa
  • caroline de souza correa

  • Laird Knox
    May 2, 01:08 PM
    I'm sure that nearly a year of wear on the edge of the black iPhone won't account for a tenth of a millimeter difference. :rolleyes:

    When I first got my iPhone I found the edges too sharp and uncomfortable, now it feels great. Then again I probably just had more Kool-Aid. :p


    caroline de souza correa. Caroline De Souza Correa
  • Caroline De Souza Correa

  • byulasfjazz
    Aug 19, 10:13 AM
    This new location feature is screaming "Im not at home, please break into my house!"

    I dont know what kind of CRAZY KILLER friends you all have on facebook. I only have relatives and close friends I see and talk to on a normal occasion.
    and only share the info you want with the people you want.. its not that hard really.

    caroline de souza correa. Caroline de Souza Correa
  • Caroline de Souza Correa

  • RichTF
    Nov 6, 09:12 AM
    We use RFID chips in ID card for public transportation here in the Netherlands. I can't say it's the most efficient system but I can see the potential of having one set up in a device you carry with you all the time like an iPhone.
    Interesting to hear you say that -- I use the Oyster RFID card for public transport here in London, and it's incredibly efficient. Compared to paper tickets, it's faster to use, faster to pay for, and much more durable.

    Would be great to have this built into my iPhone...

    EDIT: to see just how massively popular RFID technology is here. Only 4% of Tube users use cash, the rest use RFID for their journeys!


    caroline de souza correa. e Caroline de Souza Correa
  • e Caroline de Souza Correa

  • cal6n
    May 2, 01:09 PM
    I've just measured mine, an out of warranty replacement from Dec 2010.

    It's 0.370" too.

    caroline de souza correa. caroline de souza correa
  • caroline de souza correa

  • MacBandit
    Sep 14, 02:03 AM
    Originally posted by scem0
    I am mad at apple, their processors suck right now... not to mention their price. Im not gunna spend 3,000 for a computer that I could get with -yes - a worse os, for 1,000. Macs just arent worth it right now. Until they have something that can compete speed wise, my next comp is a PC.

    You don't need to spend 3,000 to get an extremely fast mac right now try 1,600-1,700.

    caroline de souza correa. caroline de souza correa
  • caroline de souza correa

  • SevenInchScrew
    Jun 22, 12:55 AM
    There's something online that says a month of Gold for $1, but I don't want to have to auto-renew after that not knowing the price.
    I'm not 100% sure, but I think in order to get the $1 deal, you have to be renewing your membership, not starting it. I don't remember exactly, but a friend of mine tried doing this a while back, and it didn't work. I just stick with the subscription cards for both Live and for MS Points.
    I have seen a 12-month card at Amazon for $35. They need an idiot's guide to this...
    Yea, if you look around, you can usually find the 12-month cards for under $40. As you found, Amazon is always a good place to start.
    Halo 3 so far is a little confusing because I have never used an Xbox controller and it's been years since I played a game like this.
    If you end up getting Xbox Live Gold, let me know if you want a co-op partner for some Halo. I'm always game for some Halo, and have played it a ton, so I can help you figure things out if you need. My gamertag is the same as my username here. I wish I could plug up my existing HDDs!
    If it connects with USB, you can. If you are wanting to use this for extra Xbox storage, make sure you have everything off the drive before doing this, because the Xbox will need to format it for use.
    So thanks again for the advice. If anybody knows something REALLY fun to play that isn't too expensive, I'd love to know.
    Not only are these some pretty affordable games, they also just happen to be 4 of my favorites as well. Can't go wrong there.

    Crackdown, $13

    Geometry Wars 2, $10

    Portal: Still Alive, $15

    Rez HD, $10

    Apr 5, 12:14 PM

    Consumer Reports was clearly pageview trolling with the iPhone 4.

    Yeah, they need those page views for the ads they don't carry?

    The fact is that a bunch of hypersensitive fanbabies couldn't stand *any* criticism of the iPhone 4.

    May 2, 01:27 PM
    Did they confirm that the table on which they put the two iPhones was totally even?

    Did they confirm they did not photoshop? I doubt they would. But these days, they would do anything for a headline.

    tipb also used calipers and found a difference.

    Otterbox, a maker of iPhone 4 cases, also confirms,default,pd.html?dwvar_APL7-I4XXX_color=20&start=2&cgid=apple-iphone-4-cases:
    Not compatible with WHITE iPhone 4. Due to slight changes in the form factor for the white Apple iPhone 4 released this week, the OtterBox Defender Series, Commuter Series and Impact Series cases will not work with this new device.

    as well as several other people.

    You are quickly encroaching into wild conspiracy theory territory if you think all these people/sites are making this up.


    Mar 23, 02:55 PM
    I have a tv with an iPod dock as a feature that can play video off my iPhone when plugged in (the dock doesn't fit my iPad, booo). I don't really see why Apple would prevent Airplay from being built in to TVs when they have iPod docks. Kind of a no brainer here.

    PS: The dock wasn't a factor, it was on sale. Having Airplay might have been a factor.

    Apr 25, 08:15 AM
    Not to mention that the internal Ethernet port could support up to Gigabit speeds while the extEthernet would only support up to 100Mbps (due to USB's limitation of 480mbps).

    Thunderbolt will solve this. TB to Gigabit Ethernet adapter will definitely deliver 1Gb/s (800Mb/s due to 8/10b encoding).

    Mar 26, 08:11 PM
    A talk among two

    A talk in front of a few

    We see the games both sides have played

    We see them chatting and feel dismayed

    There " Fued " was a diversion, just to create chatter

    Apple & Google friends to the end

    But in a ending much like the Mad Hatter

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