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  • sp86
    Nov 17, 06:24 PM
    What the Shite was I doing when I was 17 ...

    Great going for this kid!

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  • yg17
    Mar 11, 02:10 PM
    I too will be swapping out my US made foreign car for an "American" car, but anymore, I'm not sure what that means.

    IMO, a car built in America is an American made car, that's what it means. A Ford Fiesta, built in Mexico, is no more of an American car than my VW built in Germany and definitely less of an American car than a Honda Civic built in Indiana.

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  • SchneiderMan
    Mar 17, 02:25 AM
    $4.07 around here.

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  • cube
    Apr 23, 09:57 AM
    The 320M is CUDA-capable. Intel is still evaluating OpenCL.


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  • Master-D
    Mar 16, 07:20 AM
    [QUOTE=Waybo;12154186]I agree with fcortese: I really like the picture, but would love it if there was more space to the right, where the horse is looking. Could you crop the left and top a bit? I think that would make it more powerful. IMHO, Rule of Thirds would turn this good shot into a great shot.

    Something like this? I would be interested to see your preferred crop.

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5051/5531424429_1eaf976b56_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/damoncrane/5531424429/in/photostream/)

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 5, 08:57 AM
    Actually I figured they'd pick a netbook at the best tablet. :D


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  • tsadi
    Apr 5, 10:47 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    I always question the sanity of people who claim to question other peoples sanity of ridiculous things. :cool:

    Have you ever gone to move your finger across the trackpad and find that it registered it as a tap instead? Drives me nuts.

    This has never happened me, and I never click on the trackpad. In fact, among the first things that I always set in a new Mac install are to set the tap as a click and other things like enabling full path display in Finder.

    Why do you question the sanity of people who do things differently compared to you?

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  • twoodcc
    Apr 21, 05:59 AM
    It is a desktop. i have also decided to throw my PS3 in the mix so it will be helping out at night.

    oh ok. well you could add a video card to your desktop and fold with it also if you wanted. right now nvidia cards are better. probably a GTX 260 is best bang for your buck


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  • wacky4alanis
    Jan 7, 03:19 PM
    What are people mainly using the Push for? I certainly wouldn't want to be updated every time one of my friends posts on Facebook... I know there are different settings - just wondering what kind of updates people use this for.

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  • edemcgrace
    Mar 26, 10:33 PM
    Neat! I suppose they're talking about their rivalry between womens >.< OMG!

    ^New Issue. LOL


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  • BornAgainMac
    Apr 25, 05:08 PM
    I hope Apple does the "...go where the puck is going." and provide Lion on a flash drive. I would use it even if I was using a Mac with a DVD drive built-in.

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  • atticus1178
    Sep 19, 04:31 PM
    yay, interested in buying mac pro now. could be a nice computer for me.

    i love mine! what will you be using it for?


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  • roadbloc
    Feb 18, 10:47 AM
    Notice Steve is the only guy without wine?

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  • Hans Brix
    Apr 1, 02:43 AM
    To be more specific, Costco gas was $3.939 for regular yesterday.


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  • GGJstudios
    May 5, 12:12 PM
    In Windows 7, all that is needed is a good free Antivirus ...
    Hence, the "antivirus tax".

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  • dcv
    Oct 26, 01:45 PM
    I wasn't gonna bother going but curiosity got the better of me. I go past that way on my way home from work anyway. Got there around 5:45 or 5:50 I think and the queue was all the way down Hanover Street, along Hanover Square and about 2/3 of the way down Princes St :eek:

    I wasn't gonna queue as I was just interested to see the crowds and thought I'd pick up a copy of Leopard at a later date - but then I stood at the back of the line and tried to get online... and just thought I'd see how quickly the queue moved.

    Didn't feel like long but actually didn't make it in to the store until about 6:15 - yeah, just after I made that previous post. Wow, chaos! Just grabbed my copy along with a wireless keyboard and didn't feel like hanging around.


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  • strydr
    Sep 19, 05:48 PM
    YES YOU CAN OF COURSE, I did NOT used Bootcamp application to install my MacPro Under XP, just put the CD and go ;)

    I didn't even have to install XP. I just took my boot drive out of my PC, and put it into slot 4 on the MP. System recognized the disk, and booted fine. After driver updates, XP works great!

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  • BC2009
    Mar 25, 11:00 AM
    Before all you Apple fannies disagree with this; just remember Apple is trying to sue everyone else too.

    It's all ridiculous.

    "Apple fannies" -- I like that.

    Seriously, the amusing part of this is that patent trolls are usually companies who never produce anything based on those patents. Sadly, Kodak is a company that once produced decent stuff, but is now essentially acting like a patent troll because they don't really produce squat anymore. Considering that Kodak is busy liquidating entire manufacturing sites, it would be amazing if this company ever made comeback (even if they won $1B from Apple).

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  • kiljoy616
    Apr 6, 02:17 AM
    yeah I can see his point.
    However there will be efforts to make it like a pc through accessorizing the device

    Well said and that is a good thing, but at least not when it comes to UI. That is where to me Windows fails every time. :rolleyes:

    Oct 26, 09:38 PM
    Unfortunately iDisk is as slow as buggery, and always has been. Apple have done nothing to improve performance.

    The new webmail interface is nice but thats it - a face lift, no new functionality.

    You could but a "Name (Appear in From: )" for email aliases. Before it was the email alias. Not a big wow, but new.

    Sep 27, 10:56 AM
    I love updates. Hard to say quite way, but any improvements are welcome :)

    Aug 19, 11:12 AM
    Yep, I really thing that Facebook is going to go down with all this crap they are doing.

    Microsoft's rep = crashing and copying Mac
    Facebook's rep = lack of privacy and opt out NOT opt in

    Microsoft "went down" for copying the Mac OS? When?

    Facebook is not going to "go down" for a long time. Faceboook replaced Myspace which replaced Livejournal which replaced SubProfile, and each stuck around longer than the one before it. Hell, half of that list still refuses to die.

    I agree to some point though with most here. Telling everyone where you are at any time is a horrible idea. If you don't want to do it though, just don't use it. Simple as that. Always has been, always will.

    "Don't want to do it? Then don't do it."

    Jan 19, 07:04 PM
    I'd get one just for Zelda, Pilotwings and Starfox. But not at �230! That's ridiculous for a handheld machine that's primarily aimed at kids.

    Gotta disagree there. Nintendo's handheld systems have always had a varied library. Have you seen the launch lineup? Metal Gear Solid, Street Fighter, 2 Resident Evil games, Madden, Ridge Racer, Asphalt. Even those Zelda and Mario titles are universal. The only obvious kids title I see is Nintendogs.

    Apr 8, 09:42 PM
    Sounds like a bunch of services your family doctor or gynecologist would be capable of performing.

    As for sex education, again, NOT THE JOB OF THE GOVERNMENT.

    I am sorry I don't agree with the government giving these services as free hand outs to people who don't have health insurance or can't foot the bill.

    Sorry I am not a fan of paying for other people's social services.

    Actually, I am not sorry.

    If that's your ideology, you're selling yourself short by focusing just on Planned Parenthood. Don't forget about medicaid, social security, public education, and disability. In the name of not wanting to pay for other peoples' social services, might as well kill those too

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