long haircuts with layers and side

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  • itcheroni
    Apr 9, 05:20 PM
    And nobody said it was, or that you should repeat it indefinitely. But you can't expect people to get on board with severe cuts -- especially the ones they're now talking about to Medicare, Medicaid and SS -- if you're still overspending on defense, tax cuts for the rich, and corporate loopholes.

    The government funds plenty of things, like libraries and parks, that aren't "necessary" but wanted. In the end it's all about how much we're willing to pay for. What's odd is that you see the middle class wanting to keep many of those services; it's the rich and the corporations that are screaming bloody murder about them.

    Tax cuts isn't spending. That is the same thing as saying everything the government doesn't take from us is an expense to the government.

    And the rich and corporations are screaming bloody murder about libraries and parks? Aren't most of those things handled by local governments except for the big ones?

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  • Long Hairstyles with Side

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Jun 14, 05:22 PM
    Funny you should say that, because the company that designed the original 360 (and presumably this new redesign) is also the company that designs stuff for Alienware...


    Lol, thats funny.

    I dont understand why MS would put a huge vent on top of the unit. Dust will clog the fans like crazy, and with the 360's horrid stability record i would be very nervous laying it down flat on my shelf.

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  • KingYaba
    Apr 28, 07:12 PM
    Isn't the current federal tax on gas a type of driving tax? :)

    Somewhat, and it will be interesting to see what happens when more and more people take up electric, natural gas, and other such vehicles. Washington recently proposed taxing (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5go26-4g43i4meaM4jjBs0Y9QMDBA?docId=ddcb71454dc0425bb15212f48379e2ec) electric drivers $100/yr, for example. I guess it never ends...

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  • sebastianlewis
    May 15, 09:13 PM
    Good point.

    Both of which are essential.

    Btw Other proposals/suggestions are also welcome, however many or few posts you have :).

    Thank You.

    I'm not convinced yours will do this to be honest. Your categories don't seem totally clear to me.

    I don't think they can be much clearer. Hardware refers to well, Hardware, Software to um... Software. Hmm, maybe I'm looking at it from the wrong perspective though, why don't you think it's clear?



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  • scem0
    May 30, 03:12 AM
    Originally posted by iJon
    yeah i think so. i am 17 and i buy my own computers. its called a job and i have one. luckily, i have a job that is easy, fun, and pays well. i find most of my friends who dont have jobs are just lazy.


    What I am saying is - if SJ wants to sell his computer to the sub 20-year-old community, he better get his prices down. Because even though I could work my tail off at work, and earn enough money to buy a mac, a mac still might not be worth it. For example, if apple sold a dual 1.5 GHz 970 in addition to the current line-up for $10,000, it still wouldn't be worth $10,000 for me because that equates to ~1,170 hours of work for me. If I was a extremely well off person, and money wasn't an issue, the computer would be worth the money.

    So, basically what I am saying is Apple needs to get down their prices in order to sell their high end systems to people who want them but don't have the highest paycheck.

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  • jglavin
    Jan 8, 11:57 PM
    +1 on spotty push... gonna give it a few days and see if it improves. What I am looking for is similar behavior to the mail app... I do not want alerts to pop up, just sounds and a badge. This is not working at all for me. I have yet to see the badge update itself. Alerts were working for me, but quite annoying (because as we all know the "ambient noise" level on Facebook is very high).

    Is there a place to report these bugs to the developer?

    Edit: I am also seeing the problem with updates remaining available after being installed, as well as sporadic issues with the Push notifications system on other apps. 3 billion downloads might be taking their toll on Apple's cloud... hopefully the new server farm goes online soon...


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  • stridemat
    Apr 24, 01:40 PM
    Ok ignore my ignorance.....

    but my computer is on 24h a day, I never turn it off, so it would make sense for me to help the MR cause. I have tried setting it up before but it never 'did' anything. Help?

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  • erck24
    Apr 25, 11:57 PM
    64-bit windows, i forgot about that lol. I believe it was released in november


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  • Straight Long Layers, Side

  • baryon
    Apr 5, 05:09 PM
    Why can't they just make a JACK connector, with 4 wires, like for the iPod Shuffle? That would allow everything to go through ONE port, it would be easy to manufacture, compatible, and there would be no wrong way of connecting it. Not to mention it's tiny.

    You could then replace all the USB, Thunderbolt, FireWire 400, FireWire 800 and all that random stuff with ONE connector that would be easy to connect, cheap to buy and it would be very small and secure.

    Wake me up when it will be possible to supply data at high speed and enough power through 4 cables with a jack connector.

    long haircuts with layers and side. long haircuts with layers for
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  • vocaro
    Apr 2, 07:42 PM
    Except for a minor cursor glitch, I haven't encountered any bugs in Pages, and it does everything I've asked of it. I especially love the way it handles graphics. Being able to drag pictures where you want them and keep them there, letting text flow around them as you type, is sooo much nicer than what I've experienced in Word, which is usually "Dammit, Word, why did you bump my picture to the next page just because I typed three letters?"

    So contrary to most of the posters here, I'm quite happy with Pages. I agree that the user interface could use some remodeling, especially the tedious Inspector pane, but overall I've been impressed with the quality of this 1.0-level app that only costs $40 (so to speak). It's a great Word alternative for those who don't need Excel and don't want to shell out several hundred bucks (MS Office) just to get something better than TextEdit.


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  • side swept bangs. Picture

  • fairpro
    Apr 19, 09:54 AM
    don't like apple? then treat apple like an ex wife or girlfriend.

    get a divorce!

    then go find somebody else to vent your frustrations on.

    long haircuts with layers and side. Asian wavy hairstyle in layers
  • Asian wavy hairstyle in layers

  • iPoster
    Sep 13, 07:31 AM
    I'm afraid I'm going to be puking all over the place.

    I'm weird. They are going to cut a 6-inch hole in my back and remove one of my lamina and a disc, and I'm worried about anesthesia.


    I had that same surgery, you should have to stay overnight in the hospital, then leave the next morning. If you react to the general the same way I did, you won't want to leave! I was woozy and sick all day, I couldn't keep anything but ice chips and crackers down until breakfast. When I was in pre-op, they gave me an injection of 'happy juice' to slow down my system before getting the full general in the OR. The 'juice' knocked me out so fast, I don't even remember being wheeled to the OR, next thing I knew I was waking up in Recovery. Recovery was easily the most miserable experience of my life...groggy, confused, feeling sick and weak, I couldn't even speak for several minutes. Didn't last that long, and generals effect different people different ways, so YMMV.

    Not much pain though. If you're having the surgery for the same reason I did, a pinched nerve, your nerve will feel 100% better when you wake up. You will need to be careful with your back until the surgery site begins to heal though. The nurses even had to help me out of bed and to the bathroom as much because of the surgery as recovering from the anesthesia. It is also VERY important to follow what your doctor recommends for recovery. Mine was lots of walking (1 to 1.5 miles at a time every day) followed by specific back exercises once I was recovered enough, about two weeks. That is important because if you don't strengthen your back muscles, you can easily re-injure your spine again.


    long haircuts with layers and side. long haircuts with layers and
  • long haircuts with layers and

  • Small White Car
    Jan 4, 10:04 AM
    Whoever advised them to now put the maps onboard and download as needed, needs to be fired- poor decision.
    bad decision. apps like motion gps I'd pay $0.99 for and use the maps over the air.

    If I'm going to pay $40 for a gps app it'd be cause I relied on it. Wouldn't chance having service.

    I've been using the iPhone's Google maps in that way for almost 3 years and I have not once had that be an issue.

    I dunno, I guess something bad could happen, but it sure doesn't seem likely to me at this point. And even if it does happen to me soon I'm prepard for "once every 3 years" as a failure rate.

    Agreed. Downloading anything on Edge is awful, but downloading mission critical graphical maps and directions when you get lost? Just dumb.

    Ok, but when a road changes and you don't have the newest map then what are you doing? Manually downloading is what.

    I'd rather it be an automatic process.

    Both methods have drawbacks: "Not always available" vs. "Not always current."
    Given that I've never had a problem with availability, I'm actually interested in an app that promises to stay current without my having to download maps manually ahead of time.

    long haircuts with layers and side. Long Hairstyles With Layers
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  • ryuok
    Apr 19, 01:29 PM
    It's not the first time that the Vietnamese got their hands on an unreleased iPhone. The question is why? It's not like that Vietnam has anything to do with anything.


    long haircuts with layers and side. long haircuts with bangs and
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  • kdjohn3
    Apr 14, 01:49 PM
    I like the mop behind him. Is he the janitor of the data center?

    It's a boom microphone with a windscreen on it.

    long haircuts with layers and side. long haircuts with layers and
  • long haircuts with layers and

  • maflynn
    May 5, 11:45 AM
    It really isn't fair to compare the MBA to a netbook as all they have in common is size. And Widnows is worth its value to over a billion users too.

    The other thing to consider is usage. Many people who use a small laptop like the MBA or those listed are not looking for a powerhouse of a computer. Just a tool to surf, do some email or document creation. In that case a netbook is perfectly suited. Beside why spend > 1,000 when you can spend 300 that provides that level of functionality.

    I want to point out that I prefer OSX, and buy Macs (and have built a hackintosh). I'm not some anti-apple troll or anyhting.

    I base my purchase decisions on what fits my needs the best. There's a number of blind fanboy posts that knock anything thats non apple.

    Other computer makers produce good products and windows itself is a good OS. Just because it doesn't have that apple logo means its crap


    long haircuts with layers and side. long hairstyles with layers
  • long hairstyles with layers

  • bdj21ya
    Oct 16, 06:51 PM
    ^ Yeah, how about voicemail? If its that important they'll leave a message. Shoot sometimes I even turn off my cell *GASP!* Dude, you need to go camping once in a while and get away from the world.

    In my opinion, I don't think the "iPhone" will have more than 1GB just so that it wouldn't affect the sales of the lower capacity Nanos (the shuffle is an exception because its tiny and has a relatively lower concept).

    I think that 1GB would be stupid. That's what's been holding back Music phones the most in my opinion.

    long haircuts with layers and side. Long Hair Styles With Side
  • Long Hair Styles With Side

  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 7, 06:58 AM

    long haircuts with layers and side. long haircuts with layers and
  • long haircuts with layers and

  • libertyforall
    Nov 5, 10:42 PM
    No spy chips, thank you.


    Oct 16, 04:13 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Appleinsider reports (http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2146) that Apple has filed for another trademark for the "iPhone" term on September 15th with "a Far Eastern trademark office". The filing describes the iPhone as under "handheld and mobile digital electronic devices for the sending and receiving of telephone calls, faxes, electronic mail, and other digital data; MP3 and other digital format audio players".

    Apple's rumored phone has been dubbed "iPhone" due to Apple's ownership of the iPhone.org (http://www.iphone.org) domain name for the past seven years. Apple, however, owns a number of unused domain names (http://guides.macrumors.com/Apple_Domain_Names).

    More evidence of a legitimate interest in the iPhone name came when Apple filed for iPhone trademarks in Australia (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2002/12/20021203005112.shtml) and the UK (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2002/12/20021203113133.shtml) in 2002. This is only the latest filing is of iPhone trademarks. Interestingly, another company (http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=toc&state=p5h7ib.1.1&p_search=searchss&p_L=50&BackReference=&p_plural=yes&p_s_PARA1=live&p_tagrepl%7E%3A=PARA1%24LD&expr=PARA1+AND+PARA2&p_s_PARA2=iphone&p_tagrepl%7E%3A=PARA2%24COMB&p_op_ALL=AND&a_default=search&a_search=Submit+Query&a_search=Submit+Query) has the iPhone trademark in the U.S.

    Meanwhile, Prudential analysts (http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2146) released a research note to their clients indicating that according to their "checks", Apple's entry into the phone market would come in two forms. One model is expected to be a "smart phone" with integrated keyboard, video and music capabilities while the other model would be a slimmer phone that just played music.

    Reportedly, there are some concerns about market acceptance and battery life and Apple is only planning to market the phones in limited quantities to test the market.

    Incidentally they also believe that the long rumored "wide screen video iPod" will begin production in the December quarter, but is not expected to see a release until next year.

    Mar 25, 08:33 AM
    The difference here is Samsung settled. With $1billion at stake, Apple will likely fight this to the end. And with countersuits on the line, this will get ugly.

    Nov 11, 03:56 PM
    To be fair, Justin Long's name was known before the Apple ads. As well as John Hodgman's. Justin for Dodgeball, and John for his stints on the Daily Show.

    Those two actor's names are only known in America, I'm sure Japanese have never heard of them (and probably don't care much either), Australians wouldn't know who they are.

    Apr 25, 03:47 PM
    I don't want a boring DVD. I want Lion to come on one of those cool MacBook Air-style memory sticks, only compatible with ThunderBolt.

    Depending on what kind of memory it is that could make for really short installation times. :P

    May 2, 01:16 PM
    But what does Consumer Reports say about the network connection of this phone?


    They still can't recommend it!

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